Serb Workingmen,

ZASTAVA factory Workingmen

On the behalf of Italian Workingmen we apologize.
We still have not managed to stop the murderer action of our government which is bombing you, neither we have managed to overthrow it.

We are not stupid and we know that the war against Serbia has only one aim: lay hands on the Balcans in order to let the democratic NATO masters make large profit by invading new markets and by exploiting your labor-power at a good price.

For this reason we want the political and military defeat of Italian Government and and we will make it possible by coming out on strikes and protest

Serb Workingmen, the bombing of the factories where you labor, push you in the hands of Milosevic government masters and are used by the serbian bourgeoisie to gag you with their nationalism.

On the behalf of the Workers' Internationalism we ask you to break this pact, to support the right of Kosovo toward autodetermination and separation from Serbia.

To have become cannon fodder is the price your masters make you pay to oppress Kosoviar people.

Side them against repression, against your government.

Albanian Workingmen of Kosovo, the repression of serb special army forces you to become a mean of other imperialist bandits who just want that the oppression of Kosovo passes to other hands.

From Milosevic to NATO Masters, to Albanian Masters puppets in the hands of Italian government.

We ask you too, to distinguish between Serb masters and Serb Workingmen and to ask for the only unbiased solidariety: the one from Serb Workingmen.

We ask you to join your forces in one single front against Serbian, Albanian and Nato Masters.

Everything in the interest of the Workingmen from all over the world !

Only One Working Class, Only One common enemy:
The masters of all countries !


Association for the Liberation of Workingmen
( Associazione per la Liberazione degli Operai (AsLO) )

Milano April 14,1999

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